Acupuncture for Back & Neck Pain
The #1 reason people come to see me is for both acute and chronic back and neck pain
Whether you’re taking a walk around the block, driving to work, or just trying to sleep in your bed, back and neck pain can make your every move uncomfortable.
If you’re tired of struggling with the discomfort, and you’re looking for an alternative to prescription medications, consider trying acupuncture for back and neck pain to alleviate your debilitating symptoms.
For many people, back and neck pain is the result of a sports or workplace injury. But that’s not always the case. Many different factors can contribute to back and neck pain, including poor posture, a bad diet, and an overactive or underactive lifestyle. Although you may think all types of back and neck pain are the same, they’re not. And pinpointing the cause of your discomfort is paramount to a successful treatment plan.
Back and neck pain are becoming more and more common. Many of us spend our days sitting in front of a computer or looking at our phones. We’re often so fixated on our gadgets that we completely ignore our posture. Poor posture, even at rest, can result in poor posture at the gym, which can result in injury, and it’s all downhill from there.
No matter how active you are, you can suffer from back and neck pain that can make simply moving incredibly uncomfortable. To make things worse, muscle knots, sprains, strains, and stiffness in the back and neck can be challenging to treat with pain medications. Sometimes, no matter how potent the meds are, they just can’t take away the pain. And that’s because they don’t address the underlying issues.
But the great thing about using acupuncture to treat back and neck pain is that this non-invasive alternative therapy takes a holistic approach to healing. Acupuncture doesn’t just mask your symptoms, only for them to come back with a vengeance later. Acupuncture gets to the source of your musculoskeletal dysfunction and supports your body’s ability to heal itself.
What can you expect during your acupuncture session?
During your acupuncture session, we’ll ask you to fill us in on your health history. Knowing all of the little details helps us create a treatment plan that’s tailored to your unique needs. Once we’ve come up with a strategy, we’ll begin placing tiny, hair-thin needles into different points across your body.
As each acupuncture needle is inserted, it stimulates the nervous system, causing your muscles to twitch, then relax and release all of the tension they’ve been carrying. Acupuncture is adaptogenic in nature, meaning it works to stimulate muscles that are underperforming, while also calming the muscles that have been overtaxed. When all of the needles are in place, you’ll be asked to relax for a while so they can work their magic.
After 20 to 40 minutes or so, the needles will be removed. Most patients can return to their everyday activities the minute they leave the office. But, depending on your condition, you may be advised to relax for a while. You may be given a series of stretches or gentle exercises to enhance the effects of your treatment.
Many people have turned to acupuncture for back and neck pain when other more conventional therapies have failed them. Acupuncture can be used to manage pain, stiffness, and inflammation associated with acute and chronic injuries alike. It can even be used to reduce scar tissue and support healthy healing after spinal surgery.
Your back and neck provide the framework for the other bones, joints, muscles, and ligaments throughout your body. So if your back and neck are in pain, well, there’s a good chance you’re dealing with some level of discomfort somewhere else, too. Back and neck pain often radiates into surrounding areas and can lead to widespread musculoskeletal dysfunction over time.
What started out as a painful lower back may have evolved into sciatica or piriformis syndrome. What you thought was a simple neck strain from sleeping the wrong way may have turned out to be disk degeneration or osteoarthritis. These chronic conditions aren’t just painful in and of themselves. They place a strain on surrounding muscle groups. If you’ve got back and neck pain, you may be dealing with shoulder, hip, and leg pain as well.
The good news is, no matter how widespread your pain is, acupuncture can be relied upon as a supportive measure to treat it. Research consistently shows that acupuncture for back and neck pain is a safe, reliable, and effective treatment. Acupuncture has helped dozens of our patients improve their quality of life and reduce their reliance on anti-inflammatories and muscle relaxers.
How does acupuncture treat back and neck pain?
Acupuncture reduces pain by increasing circulation to damaged tissues. This rush of red blood cells and oxygen to the injury site allows these tissues to regenerate. It also pushes pro-inflammatory cells, like cytokines, away from the area to reduce swelling and inflammation. On top of this, acupuncture eases muscle tension, allowing strained muscles to relax, which can go a long way toward reducing your pain.
But the beneficial effects of acupuncture for back and neck pain go well beyond the injury site. As acupuncture needles are placed, they trigger the release of endorphins and serotonin. These two neurotransmitters provide patients with near-instantaneous mood-boosting effects. Endorphins modulate the pain receptors in the brain, raising your pain threshold naturally. Meanwhile, serotonin helps you feel calm, relaxed, and optimistic, which can also make it easier for you to manage your pain.
Acupuncture works on multiple levels to provide you with long-lasting relief. In the short term, you’ll notice increased strength, flexibility, and range of motion. These benefits are compounded over time. Acupuncture can be used as a supportive treatment strategy to improve your quality of life and make everyday activities much more comfortable for you.
At Beth Conroy Acupuncture, we’re dedicated to helping our patients take control of their health. With years of experience treating patients from all walks of life, we have the knowledge and expertise to help you take your wellness journey to the next level.
Located in the heart of Union Square, Beth Conroy Acupuncture is your source for all things alternative health in NYC. When you book an appointment with our clinic, we’ll help you get to the bottom of your pain so it can finally be addressed, and you can begin the healing process.