Acupuncture for Mental Health
Anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are common mental health issues, but they don’t have to dominate your day-to-day life.
Acupuncture for mental health is a 100% natural, non-invasive holistic treatment that can help you find peace and achieve inner balance so you can get back to enjoying life on your terms.
A healthy, happy life begins with a healthy, happy mind. If you’re not in a good place mentally, it can make meeting your obligations difficult and finding enjoyment, purpose, and meaning in them next to impossible. But you don’t have to accept this lack of enthusiasm as your new reality. Acupuncture for mental health can help you regain your zest for life and melt away the stress, worry, and anxiety you’ve been struggling with for far too long.
Mental health is something that many of us ignore. We all struggle with negative feelings sometimes, and often, our “solution” is to avoid acknowledging them and hope they go away. But if you’re struggling with feelings of anxiety and depression or a more serious condition like PTSD, then you can’t afford to set your mental health aside. Your inner peace deserves your full attention. And if you’re not sure where to start, then we’re here to help.
If it feels like you’ve been under a dark cloud lately, it’s time to take action. You can find relief from your mental health symptoms — and you can do so without having to rely on potentially addictive prescription medications — with the help of acupuncture for mental health.
How does acupuncture support good mental health?
It’s a fast-paced world we live in. With the demands of work pulling you one way and the demands of personal relationships pulling you another, it doesn’t take long before life gets out of balance. Once you’re struggling mentally, those everyday stressors can seem insurmountable.
Whether you’re feeling a little overwhelmed or a lot like you’re at the end of your rope, acupuncture can help you achieve inner balance and find your center so you can regain your mental clarity and strength. But how exactly does acupuncture for mental health work?
Acupuncture has long been utilized not only for its musculoskeletal benefits but also for its mood-enhancing effects. As tiny, hair-fine needles are inserted into strategic acupuncture points across the body, blocked channels are reopened. This allows for an even flow of energy, restoring balance to your mental and physical well-being.
One of the things that makes acupuncture such an effective treatment strategy for so many ailments, both of the body and of the mind, is the fact that it’s holistic in nature. The very first step in a successful acupuncture session is getting to the root cause of the imbalances you’re experiencing. By determining why you’re feeling anxious, stressed, or depressed, acupuncture supports the body’s ability to heal itself.
Of course, acupuncture isn’t all mysticism. It’s backed by hard science, too.
As acupuncture needles are inserted, they release muscle tension. It’s difficult to believe that this effect could possibly benefit mental health, but it really does. The physical release of tension allows your muscles to relax. This has a profound impact on the physical stress-mental stress biofeedback loop. Simply addressing any underlying muscular strain can promote a sense of calm.
Once your muscles are nice and relaxed, you’ll notice the other mood-enhancing benefits of acupuncture, namely, the release of endorphins. It’s long been thought that acupuncture triggers the release of these feel-good neurotransmitters. Like exercise, acupuncture is often recommended to boost mental health because the production of endorphins helps regulate mood naturally.
Acupuncture also aids in serotonin metabolism. Low serotonin levels are associated with a wide variety of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, phobias, obsessions, compulsions, and even addictions. Because acupuncture stimulates the production of serotonin and the reception of serotonin in the brain, regular treatment sessions can significantly improve your frame of mind, and make it easier to cope with your mental health symptoms. This is true whether you’re dealing with everyday stress or an ongoing condition, like PTSD.
PTSD is a more serious mental health condition than anxiety and depression. Although PTSD patients can experience anxiety and depression, too, PTSD is accompanied by additional symptoms, like intrusive thoughts and memories, and destructive behavior and thought patterns, that can be a challenge to treat. But acupuncture can be used to support mental health in PTSD patients as well.
Acupuncture has been shown to provide PTSD patients with relief from their symptoms, even months after the end of their treatment period. Acupuncture’s ability to work with the body makes it a suitable treatment option for everyone, no matter where they are in their mental health journey.
Can acupuncture be used in place of prescription medications?
Depending on the severity of your symptoms, acupuncture alone may be enough to help you overcome your anxiety and depression and improve your mental health. Acupuncture supports a sense of calm, making it much easier to handle stress.
Of course, every patient is different. Some patients may find acupuncture allows them to find their center and restore their inner peace. But other patients may require additional therapies, both prescription and holistic, to help them find relief from their symptoms.
In addition to acupuncture for mental health, we may recommend additional treatments to help you overcome your challenges. Cupping can be especially helpful when it comes to supporting mental health. Essential oils are also useful in many cases.
Whatever your mental health issues and future goals, we will work with you to formulate a strategy that suits your needs.
Whether you’re dealing with stress from work, anxiety about the future, or a case of seasonal depression, don’t put your mental health on the back burner. It’s always a good time to check in with yourself. At Beth Conroy Acupuncture, we’ll listen to your mental health goals and create an acupuncture treatment strategy that builds you up on your path to wellness.
Located in Union Square, we help our patients from all across NYC. Why not let us help you, too? Book your appointment today to discover for yourself how acupuncture for mental health can transform your outlook on life and finally help you find inner peace.